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Get a Seamless and friendly Merchant Account for PC Technical Support/Computer Repair/Virus Removal

Getting a reliable, affordable and secure tech support merchant account is a hugely challenging task, payment processing solutions at a cost-effective and customized model to suit individual business is highly time-consuming but essential for a successful business enterprise. A tailor-made merchant account service contributes a major share in the profitability of the tech support business and is indispensable.

A rich virtual terminal with a highly secured payment gateway reaps a lot of benefit for the business in the long term, as clients vouch for the services which are safe, secure and fast. Selecting a good merchant account service provider has a huge impact on the day to day operation of the business, and also determines the future ready services which the tech support business constantly evolves on.

Why & what to look for in a Merchant Account?

Today more than 80 percent of the transactions are done online, hence dependency on a good virtual terminal to process a high volume of transactions is absolutely essential. Points to remember while selecting a merchant account service are:

  • Do they provide custom-made solutions for the business type we have

  • do they have a good customer base, so that their services can be availed without all the marketing, media hype

  • Do the rates offered impact the profit margin of the company or are it a viable option?

  • the services include constant feedback and follow-ups in case of embedded software up gradation or to newer technologies

  • Will it be a safe payment gateway with all the important card information being keyed in?

  • Do they offer mobile app version, which is compatible with iPhones/Droid Applications? And will it be beneficial for the business?

The constant relation with the requirement of the business and the service provider is important to build a strong foundation with the customers if the company is newly established, or if they are adopting new methods to increase the customer base.

Why is the business a high risk?

With the usage of internet and scores of websites selling their products and services, banks have become cautious while lending advances, loans to establishments. They are highly wary of the fact that certain services like PC tech support, computer repair, and virus removal companies are high-risk business owing to the fact that:

  • the presence of customers are worldwide, and the services offered to different countries remotely may not be regulated and taxed

  • since it is purely customer service oriented service, disputes are obvious and chargebacks are high,

  • the volume of transactions processed is high due to which a lot of personal information is keyed in could be a personal data sharing issue

  • since all the calls, services are mostly done online or in calls the transactions are classified as Card not Present even by banks

  • fraud detection becomes a challenge in this business

  • there could be multiple underwriting banks, which could be another hindrance

  • The rates offered for being in the high-risk category could be high and not feasible for the business.

What does a high-Risk Payment gateway do?

They handle all the transactions which come from all the processors, with the best services in handling PC tech support, computer repair services including:

  • complete transactional processing, both in-house and from other sources

  • have a streamlined process for handling high volume and high-value transactions

  • are able to cover the risk and multiple underwriting settlements

  • proactively avoid chargeback’s, with alerts where they are possible

  • give a complete reporting toll for the company to access all the necessary reporting requirements

  • Have around the clock 24/7 customer support network to address client queries and resolve them quickly.

Choosing a High Risk Vs Low-risk Processors

The more high risk a business is, the more is the fees charged to cover the chances of any situations which could be loss bearing for the service provider. Since this business is mostly done online without the physical card being done away with, they are classified in the high-risk card, not present category. Choosing a high-risk payment gateway is ideal for such business owing to the high-value transactions done over the phones and online.

Payment processing companies act as a link between the merchant account and the e-commerce website of the customer, however banks are highly cautious in providing finance to this industry due to a poor credit record, or unable to settle or pay earlier loans taken, the high amount of chargeback’s which ultimately result in denied/shut off/ or closed by other processors.

Newly established enterprises have a tough time is getting a service provider, as banks do not take the risk of financing the new business. All they look for a company with established credit history to fund in their requirements, however for nominal higher rates there are companies, who offer global payment solutions which service a new company in the business of computer repair, PC tech support.

Rolling reserve is again a hindrance to newly established business as a portion of the credit card sales are held by the bank or the merchant account service provider as a contingency fund in case of any consequences, which eats into the profitability of the new company and reduces the margin of profits earned. High-risk payment processors offer no rolling reserve options to the customers who have just started their new enterprise, and once they build in the customer base they are in a good position to give a reserve.

Choosing the payment processor with above-mentioned options could lead to either an offshore or domestic service provider. Choosing the best out of the rest to suit the requirements of the business is important, domestic service providers have lower rates, and accepts only local currency; however an offshore service provider accepts payments in all currencies, could have a higher rates owing to the services provided to the clients in different locations across the world. Providing the best services:

  • fast approval, of the application process

  • no hidden charges

  • quick resolution of queries

  • no unnecessary fees like PCI Compliance fees, Statement fees

  • free account set up and installation

  • competitive rates

  • no rolling reserve fund requirement suitable for newly established enterprise

  • online and 24/7 Customer support

Choosing a highly customer friendly and good network Merchant Account service provider for a customer-centric business like Pc tech support, computer repair is imperative to the growth and sustenance of the business in the long run.